‘Galatea’ is a columnist writing about her experience looking for work after her recent downsizing. Previous entries in her series can be strong> read here
Manufacturers may have to stop peddling their junk food to kids but money-conscious parents are apparently still fair game.
Whenever I go grocery shopping, I forget everything. I forget to bring in the plastic bags to recycle. I forget to bring the cloth bags (so I don’t have an even …
Asking restaurants and theaters to post calorie counts seems like a good call, but targeting vending machines may be too much. New rules are being proposed by the FDA that could (if approved) make some changes in the world of vending machines. The feds want the calorie content of each item …
Thanks to our crusade against obesity we know more about the science of why we eat. But as we learn more, we may have to shift our focus from weight to health. We’ve all heard of anorexia, bulimia, and even lately overeating described as a psychological mania in people. In fact thanks to …
It’s allergy season again: trees are busy making baby trees and humans are suffering. This year, I'm trying something new to ward off my symptoms.
If you’re like me, and like about half the population of the Piedmont Basin, this last week has been a rough one for you. It’s …