Todd Palin Chews Out Joe Miller Over Email
Politico reports:
There’s a major rift developing between Sarah Palin’s husband and Alaska Republican Senate nominee Joe Miller, according to an e-mail conversation between the two parties obtained by an Alaska politics blogger.
Politico could not confirm the authenticity of the e-mail conversation, but Jeanne Devon of The Mudflats political blog reports that the messages show squabbling between the Miller and Palin camps – and that they serve as the biggest hint to date that Sarah Palin has presidential ambitions.
The local, liberal blog The Mudflats, an exhaustive and often critical chronicler of all things Palin, reports an incensed Todd Palin e-mailed Miller and others on Sept. 19, voicing his complaints about a recent television appearance in which Miller was asked whether Palin was qualified to be president.
“Hold off on any letter for Joe,” writes Todd Palin, according to The Mudflats. “Sarah put her ass on the line for Joe and yet he can't answer a simple question ‘Is Sarah Palin Qualified to be President’. I DON'T KNOW IF SHE IS.”
“Joe, please explain how this endorsement stuff works, is it to be completely one sided,” the e-mail continues. “Sarah spent all morning working on a Face book post for Joe, she won't use it, not now.”
Todd Palin’s missive ends with: “Put yourself in her shoe's Joe for one day.”
Recipients of the e-mail include Miller, Palin’s attorney, Thomas Van Flein, and SarahPAC Treasurer Tim Crawford. Sarah and Todd Palin boosted Miller’s profile by backing him early on in the Senate race, when he was a virtually unknown candidate taking on Sen. Lisa Murkowski. Miller defeated Murkowski, but the senator is waging a write-in campaign to retain her seat.
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