Christine O'Donnell's Phony Populism

Written by Henry Clay on Tuesday October 5, 2010

In addition to telling us she's not a witch, Christine O'Donnell's new ad shows the underlying contempt for the citizenry that is part of Palinite populism.

In addition to informing the public that she is not a witch, Christine O'Donnell's new ad demonstrates the underlying contempt for the citizenry that is part of Palinite populism.

O'Donnell concludes her ad by telling her fellow citizens, "I'm you."

The hell you are.

Most Americans have a greater attachment to the labor force than O'Donnell has exhibited.  Most Americans pay their bills on time. Most Americans are not perennial office seekers.  Most Americans don't sue their employers. And most Americans don't exaggerate their academic pedigree.

The ad might be effective. I have no idea.

But what I do know is that this populist appeal, which elevates lack of intellectual firepower and financial and social disarray as prominent characteristics of our citizenry, makes a mockery of the populism of Ronald Reagan.

Even more galling given the Tea Party's commitment to constitutional restoration, it is an assault on the Founders' expectation of a responsible and enterprising citizenry.


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