Santorum: "We're In It To Win"

Written by FrumForum News on Monday June 6, 2011

ABC News reports:

And with that another Republican challenger jumped into the 2012 racethis morning on "GMA."

"We're ready to announce that we are going to be in this race and we're in it to win," Rick Santorum told me.

Santorum, a former two-term Senator from Pennsylvania, will formally kick-off his campaign in his home state later this morning near a coal mine where his grandfather worked after immigrating from Italy.

The father of seven has been a frequent sight in the early voting states. This week is no exception with a trip to Iowa tomorrow followed by another trip to the first in the nation primary state on Wednesday.

Santorum won two straw polls in New Hampshire and South Carolina but he’s trailing in the polls. The latest Gallup poll has him at 2 percentbehind Romney’s 19, Palin’s 15 and Ron Paul’s 13.

Santorum rose to the third seat in the GOP Senate leadership but lost his 2006 bid for a third term to Senator Bob Casey by 18 points.

A viewer - Charles from Los Angeles – asked “why, after being rejected by the people of Pennsylvania 59%-41% in his last Senate race, he thinks Americans would want him as their president.”

Category: The Feed