McCain Blames Obama for Debt Stalemate

Written by FrumForum News on Thursday July 14, 2011

Politico reports:

Hitting President Barack Obama for urging lawmakers to “eat your peas, ” Sen. John McCain said Thursday that he’s not impressed with the president’s negotiating style, but is still holding out for a last-minute deal to raise the debt ceiling because he “can’t imagine us defaulting.”

“Eat your peas, what kind of language is that? Walking out of a meeting? A lot of us say what would Ronald Reagan do? I do not think he would be behaving like that,” McCain said in an interview on Bloomberg TV.

“Please remember the words of Chairman Mao, it is always darkest before it is totally black,” he cautioned.

The Arizona Republican said that his one-time rival for the White House hasn’t done enough to make the negotiations work.

“What is the plan? What are the specifics?” McCain asked. “He said he is ready to make compromises. How? Raise the entitlement age reach retirement age? Increase social security taxes? What is his plan? He has not come forward with a specific plan the American people and Congress can consider.”

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