Jewish Support For Obama Unchanged

Written by FrumForum News on Tuesday July 5, 2011

Politico reports:

President Barack Obama’s recent controversial speech proposing that Israel’s 1967 borders should be the basis for peace talks had virtually no impact on his standing in the Jewish community, a new poll Tuesday found.

The Gallup survey also showed that while Obama’s approval rating has declined slightly among Jews this year, that dip essentially mirrors the president’s slipping rating among all voters.

In June, Obama’s approval rating among Jewish Americans surveyed for Gallup’s daily tracking poll averaged 60 percent, down from 68 percent in May, when the president’s ratings soared among all groups in the aftermath of the killing of Osama bin Laden.

Thirty-two percent of Jews surveyed in June said they disapproved of Obama’s job performance. That rating has hovered around the same level throughout the first half of 2011.

Category: The Feed