GOP to Cut House Office Expenses
The House will vote Thursday on a resolution cutting House office expenses by 5 percent, one day after Republicans take over the chamber.
The GOP estimates that the budget cuts will save $35.2 million in 2011, according to a House aide. The resolution, sponsored by Rep. Greg Walden (R-Ore.), will cut salaries and expenses at personal and leadership offices by 5 percent, according to a copy of the proposed legislation.
The resolution would be effective for the next two years. Cuts to leadership offices save $1 million; committee reductions save $8.1 million; and cuts to members' office budgets save $26.1 million.
"While only a first step, these cuts provide real savings for the American people and demonstrate our commitment to ending the culture of spending here in Washington," Walden said in a release Tuesday.
The legislation will be considered under suspension of rules, which will require two-thirds of members to approve.
If it goes to a roll-call vote, the resolution will require some Democratic support. But it could be difficult for Democrats to vote against cutting office salaries and expenses, and Republicans will be sure to lambaste any Democrats who vote against the resolution.