Ex-RNC Head: Steele Can't Win

Written by FrumForum News on Tuesday January 4, 2011

The Hill reports:

Michael Steele's bid for a second term as chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC) is doomed, according to a former head of the party.

Mike Duncan, who held the top RNC post from 2007 to 2009, told cn|2 Politics's Ryan Alessi he thinks Steele is effectively "out of the race."

"I think there have been so many people who have announced — particularly from his core group of supporters — that they won't support him again, that he probably falls by the wayside after the first or second ballot," Duncan said.

Steele faces four challengers in his bid for a second two-year term. Duncan wouldn't point to a front-runner to succeed the chairman. "It's probably wide open," he said.

Duncan added that former Missouri Republican Party Chairwoman Ann Wagner and Maria Cino, a former Bush administration official, are "extremely well qualified.

This isn't the first time Duncan has criticized the man who now holds his job. In December, he questioned Steele's fundraising ability.

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