Steele's RNC Race Gets Personal

Written by Tim Mak on Wednesday January 5, 2011

Incumbent RNC chairman Michael Steele's close ties with challengers Reince Priebus and Saul Anuzis could have a major impact on the race.

Incumbent RNC chairman Michael Steele and Wisconsin state chair Reince Priebus used to be close allies, but as they sat beside one another on stage at the RNC chair candidates meeting on Monday, it was clear that that time was over. On the other hand, Saul Anuzis’ enduring closeness with Michael Steele may have a major impact on the outcome of the RNC race.

“No, I don’t talk [with him], haven’t talked to him since he’s been running,” Steele told FrumForum about Priebus after the debate. Priebus had been a member of Steele’s inner circle for the last two years. In fact, Priebus served as Steele’s campaign chair the first time around before joining his transition team and later becoming RNC general counsel.

Priebus’ decision to run against Steele is seen by the latter as a sort of betrayal. “It’s disappointing. You would hope that the bonds of loyalty were thicker than they apparently were. But everyone makes their own decisions, for their own reasons, and you live with them – or not,” Chairman Steele said to FrumForum Monday.

Other close supporters of Steele feel much the same way. “He did get an appointment from Chairman Steele – a coveted appointment – and usually you’re grateful for something like that. But Reince decided to do what he wanted to do,” said Holly Hughes, the National Committeewoman from Michigan and a chair on Steele’s campaign.

After the Young Republicans RNC chair candidates forum Monday evening, FrumForum caught up with Priebus, who said that Steele had done “some good, some bad” at the RNC, but was not going to specifically criticize his former ally and incumbent chairman. “I think I’m best able to unite the committee. I think it’s important to have peace on the committee, and I think I can get that done,” said Priebus to reporters.

Asked by FrumForum what message he has for Steele supporters, Priebus tried to strike a conciliatory tone – after all, Priebus has been close to many Steele supporters, and those not smarting about his decision to turn his back on Steele could still vote for him on a subsequent ballot.

“I believe that everybody on the Committee deserves respect, we’re going to have an open door, and everybody is going to have a seat at the table,” Priebus told FrumForum.

Steele has told the Weekly Standard that he will not be endorsing other candidates, but of course one has to take that with a grain of salt. In fact, it would not be so surprising if Steele swung to fellow candidate Saul Anuzis if it becomes clear he needs to drop out.

At the Young Republicans RNC candidates forum on Monday, Steele arrived and immediately went over to shake Anuzis’ hand. They later stood together for drinks, and whispered during Priebus’ speech – Anuzis in particular objecting to Priebus’ claims that the Wisconsin GOP had knocked on more doors during the 2010 campaign than any other state (Anuzis claimed Michigan was number one). As the night went on, they sat together as Ann Wagner gave her pitch to be RNC chairman.

Anuzis is the consummate good guy – and as has been noted before, was the only 2009 RNC chair candidate to show the sportsmanship of attending the RNC morning breakfast meeting the day after Steele won the election. Anuzis later offered his services to the transition team.

At the Young Republicans event, Anuzis did not shy away from referring several times to the incumbent chairman during his speech, proudly mentioning that he was the chair for the technology committee in the RNC under Steele.

When asked about his relationship with Steele, Anuzis called him a friend. “Look, I’m not running against him. I’m running under new opportunities, new circumstances, and new requirements - I consider him a friend and always will,” Anuzis told FrumForum.


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