Advice From The Younger Generation

Written by Bea Frum on Friday August 19, 2011

img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-101885" title="Children outside" src="/files/wxrimport/2011-08/children-outside.jpg" alt="" width="440" height="280" /><

Are you one of those people who goes on their laptops or T.V. all the time?

Then this is for you!

While you are inside all the time watching T.V. in the summer when it’s a nice day, here is what you are missing out: swimming, laughing, water fights, playing soccer, camp, and last but not least-memories! So next year in summer you will ask yourself: was it all worth it? And you will say yes and do it again and again.

And when you think about it, it’s not worth it. While your friends are having fun you will miss it. When your family is having fun, YOU WILL MISS IT! And summer is just a small amount of time to not worry about grades and to not worry about assignments.

So to not run into this problem turn off your electronics and treat EVERY summer as if it was your last.