Andrew Sullivan predicts a future Rand Paul run. Fascinating that a movement of self-proclaimed individualists would manifest itself as a dynastic cult of personality.
I'm very much enjoying Charles Mann's 1493 . So much of the book has deep relevance to current affairs, including this piece of monetary history on p. 135:
[In contrast to commodity money,] fiat money has no intrinsic value, and is worth something only because a government declares it is. …
Shikha Dalmia writes that "Greedy Capitalists Hogging Wealth Are Not Causing Income Inequality." In her blog post she cites the lack of significant change in the Gini index of inequality among U.S. individuals in recent years:
I'm a bit confused, because there is another famous graph …
Ron Paul has announced that he will not be seeking the reelection for his House seat and will instead be focusing on his Presidential campaign. Ron Paul has announced that he will not be seeking reelection for his House seat and will instead be focusing on his presidential campaign. (Or will it …