Overview for jeb-bush

The Right to Rise? Ok!

In today's Wall Street Journal , Gov. Jeb Bush celebrates the "right to rise," a concept he credits to Rep. Paul Ryan. The idea behind the phrase is a powerful one: "We have to make it easier for people to do the things that allow them to rise." At a time when Americans born into the poorest …

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Written by David Frum on Monday December 19, 2011

Bush Family Splits on Romney Versus Daniels

News that Jeb Bush and Laura Bush have urged Mitch Daniels to enter the Republican race raises the question: is there a generation gap in the Bush family? News that Jeb Bush and Laura Bush have urged Mitch Daniels to enter the Republican race raises the question: is there a generation gap in …

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Written by David Frum on Thursday May 19, 2011