Overview for abraham-lincoln

The Anti-Lincoln Brigade

You know what's really discouraging? This is discouraging, this apologetic by Matt Welch, editor of Reason magazine, on behalf of Ron Paul. Welch takes exception to my restatement of the I thought notorious fact about Ron Paul's preference for the Confederate over the Union cause in the …

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Written by David Frum on Friday December 16, 2011

Mugwump Nation

My latest bookshelf rides a favorite hobbyhorse: a defense of the Mugwumps of the 1880s. My latest bookshelf rides a favorite hobbyhorse: a defense of the Mugwumps of the 1880s.

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Written by David Frum on Tuesday August 25, 2009

The Mugwumps: Public Moralists of the Gilded Age

To the extent that anybody remembers them at all, the Mugwumps of the 1870s and 1880s get predominantly negative press. Yet while as a movement for political power the Mugwumps failed, their ideas for reform overwhelmingly prevailed. To the extent that anybody remembers them at all, the …

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Written by David Frum on Tuesday August 25, 2009