Rebel-Held Zawiyah Repels Brutal Qaddafi Forces Attack

Written by FrumForum News on Saturday March 5, 2011

img class="alignleft size-full wp-image-71792" title="libya battle" src="/files/wxrimport/2011-03/libya-battle.jpg" alt="" width="205" height="105" /><Sky News reports:

Rebels have claimed victory in two key areas - the western city of Zawiyah and the eastern oil port town of Ras Lanouf, according to witnesses.

A rebel spokesman has said Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's troops have withdrawn from Zawiyah, 30 miles west of the capital city - Tripoli, according to Reuters.

Sky News has witnessed fierce fighting on Saturday morning in the region.

Special correspondent Alex Crawford has seen ongoing battles where people have been forced to shelter in mosques.

"There is a lot of shelling by tanks and machine guns being used on the streets outside," Crawford said.A rebel spokesman has said Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's troops have withdrawn from Zawiyah, 30 miles west of the capital city - Tripoli, according to Reuters.

"At least two of the attacking tanks have been destroyed and some troops have been captured.

"There is an awful lot of fighting outside the mosque.

"There are too many injuries for the doctors to cope with and there are reports that a hospital has been besieged," she added.

Earlier, there were reports that Pro-Gaddafi loyalists had broken the rebels' defences.

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