You Read it First in FrumForum
John Boehner is set to unveil a slate of policy proposals to be implemented if the GOP wins back the House -- a move first predicted here at Frum Forum.
From today's Washington Post:
Sometime after Labor Day, House Minority Leader John A. Boehner plans to unveil a blueprint of what Republicans will do if they take back control of the chamber. He promises it will be a full plate of policy proposals that will give voters a clear sense of how they would govern.
From David's article in the Financial Times July 13:
Republican leaders have been working through the spring and summer on a similar platform for 2010. As yet it remains uncertain whether they will produce anything. But if they do, it is easy to guess what it will feature: a promise to vote to repeal President Barack Obama’s healthcare plan, measures to favour business investment, and the extension of former President George W. Bush’s tax cuts otherwise slated to expire at the end of this year.