You Read It First at FrumForum

Written by David Frum on Monday December 21, 2009

As we first pointed out back in April: the Democrats' health reform efforts would not have been possible without a little conservative help.

Paul Krugman, Dec. 20, 2009

Heroes of health reform

I haven’t seen anyone point this out; but it occurs to me that we all owe thanks to the Club for Growth. If they hadn’t targeted Arlen Specter, he wouldn’t have switched parties, the Democrats wouldn’t have 60 seats, and the world might look very different.

FrumForum, April 28, 2009.

Another Triumph For The Club For Growth

With Arlen Specter’s defection, all that stands between the Democrats and a 60-seat Senate majority are Norman Coleman’s lawyers....

Which means that Democrats won’t need to resort to unorthodox tactics to push, say, their healthcare bill through Congress. They’ll have the votes.

If the Democrats do succeed in pushing through national health insurance, they really should set aside a little extra money to erect a statue to Pat Toomey. They couldn’t have done it without him!

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