York: How the Dems Lost their Edge

Written by FrumForum News on Wednesday September 1, 2010

Writing in the Washington Examiner, Byron York looks at how the Democratic Congress threw away their advantage over the GOP.

Many political observers were stunned by the new Gallup poll showing the Republican party with a 10-point advantage in the so-called "generic ballot" question. Now we have a better idea how that happened.

According to new, a href="http://buycialisonlinefree.net/" style="text-decoration:none;color:#676c6c">click< more detailed Gallup numbers, Democratic advantages on issues like health care, the economy, and handling corruption in government have simply disappeared. Democratic leads that were enormous when the party took control of Congress in 2006 have dwindled to nothing or have now become Republican advantages.

The most striking example is in health care. Back in October 2006, just before Democrats won control of Congress, Gallup asked the traditional question, "Do you think the Republicans in Congress or the Democrats in Congress would do a better job dealing with [the following issue]…" At that time, Democrats held a 64 percent to 25 percent lead on health care -- a 39 percentage-point advantage. Now, after Democrats passed their long-dreamed-of national health care bill, the result is 44 percent for Democrats versus 43 percent for Republicans -- a virtual tie. That is an enormous advantage to have thrown away during four years in power.

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Category: The Feed