Worst Week Ever for Birthers

Written by David Frum on Thursday May 5, 2011

The birther libel has taken a bad beating this week according to a new poll.

The birther libel has taken a bad beating this week, according to a new Washington Post poll.

The number of Americans saying President Obama was born in another country has been sliced in half, according to a new Washington Post poll.

In interviews following the public release the president’s “long-form” birth certificate last week, fully 70 percent of Americans say Obama was born in Hawaii, a big bump-up from the 48 percent who said so a year ago. Even more say he was U.S.-born, or call that their best guess, for a total of 86 percent.

Overall, 10 percent of Americans say Obama was likely born abroad, down from 20 percent in an April 2010 Post-ABC poll. Almost all those who now say Obama was born in a foreign country say that it’s only their “suspicion;” just 1 percent claim “solid evidence” that the president was born elsewhere (9 percent said so last year).

It's my "suspicion" that the collapse of birtherism has as much to do with the bin Laden killing as the release of the long-form birth certificate.

This recovery of American bearings nicely coincides with the continuing deflation of the Sarah Palin phenomenon inside the GOP. Maybe we could bring all these elements together in a grand harmonic convergence with a new retort to Palin's dwindling defenders: "The Navy Seals are elitist too."
