Who You Calling a RINO?

Written by David Frum on Wednesday November 18, 2009

Why is it that those of us who are willing to do what it takes to beat Democrats are called "Republicans in name only" or worse? Meanwhile those conservatives willing to accept years of Democratic government rather than adjust any point congratulate themselves on their commitment and dedication.
Here's something I'll never understand. Why is it that those of us who are willing to do what it takes to beat Democrats are called "Republicans in name only" or worse? Meanwhile those conservatives willing to accept years of Democratic government rather than adjust any point congratulate themselves on their commitment and dedication. Seems backwards, no? For the moment, of course, it's the latter group who outnumber the former. But that will change. As sure as anything in politics, that will change, for the reason once brutally explained by Benjamin Franklin: "Experience is a hard teacher, but fools will have no other."
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