Wehner: Daniels Put His Family First

Written by FrumForum News on Monday May 23, 2011

Peter Wehner writes:

The decision by Governor Mitch Daniels to forego a presidential run because of family considerations is an example of something exceedingly rare in the political arena—selflessness and grace.

I say that because Daniels wanted to run for president, and if he had chosen to do so, he would have been a front-runner.  But because of concerns expressed by his wife and four daughters, he decided to take a pass.

I’m fully aware of the counter-argument to the decision Daniels made. If the situation facing our nations is as grave as Daniels believes, didn’t he have a duty to put himself forward as a candidate? I’m certainly sympathetic to that argument—but the point is, Daniels is familiar with it as well. It must have gone around and around in his mind a thousand times.

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