We Wuz Robbed - By ACORN

Written by David Frum on Thursday November 19, 2009

A new poll reveals that over 50% of GOP voters think ACORN stole the 2008 election for Barack Obama. Some see this as proof of GOP paranoia. I see it as vindication of my theory of the four phases of reaction to a bad political defeat.

Dave Weigel alerts us to this amazing poll.

[A] 52% majority of GOP voters nationally think that ACORN stole the Presidential election for Barack Obama last year, with only 27% granting that he won it legitimately.

Some see this as proof of GOP paranoia. I see it as vindication of my theory of the four phases of reaction to a bad political defeat.

(1) We didn't really lose.

(2) OK we lost, but only because the voters are idiots.

(3) OK we lost, and maybe the voters are not idiots, but there's nothing we can do without betraying our sacred principles.

(4) Hey - maybe there's something we can do.

The U.K. Conservatives have reached Phase 4. The PPP poll is more evidence that Republicans remain mired in phase 1. It'll pass.

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