Beers of the Presidents

Written by David Frum on Friday July 31, 2009

What we learn from the Obama-Gates-Crowley summit: Bud Light must poll better among Obama's target demographic of white working-class men than Miller Light.
What we learn from the Obama-Gates-Crowley summit: Bud Light must poll better among Obama's target demographic of white working-class men than Miller Light. Once again, Biden cannot fake it: He doesn't care what the polls say, he's having a Buckler. Professor Gates' first choice was a Red Stripe, but on second thought he seems to have decided that the Jamaican brew was too black, and switched to the Boston local favorite, Sam Adams. Officer Crowley allowed himself a little private joke. He had Blue Moon, described as a Belgian-style "white beer." It's made by Coors, underwriters of the Heritage Foundation.
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