The Hidden Healthcare Problem: Immigration

Written by David Frum on Thursday September 17, 2009

Steve Sailer points out that Obama has promised to block illegal aliens for benefiting from his 2009 health plan, while also promising to legalize illegal aliens in his proposed 2010 immigration plan.

Steve Sailer makes a good point here:

If Obama promises both:

A) to block illegal aliens from benefiting from his 2009 health plan, and

B) to legalize illegal aliens in his 2010 immigration plan that he announced last month in Mexico...

Then who, exactly, is being disingenuous?

It's not just illegal immigration that is the healthcare problem. It is all low-skilled immigration, legal and illegal - all immigration, that is, of anyone whose earning capacity is too little to support the cost of American-style health insurance. As is, 25% of the uninsured population is made up of immigrants (both legal and illegal) and their children. Immigrants and their children accounted for 80% of the increase in the uninsured in the Bush years. If the government is going to help support health insurance for people who cannot afford it on their own, it is just irresponsible to be simultaneously, artificially and unnecessarily increasing the numbers of such people.