The Coming Herman Cain Culture War

Written by David Frum on Tuesday November 1, 2011

It's only a matter of time before the Herman Cain sexual harassment settlement is unsealed. The exact nature of the charges against Cain will be revealed. They will most likely turn out to be very ambiguous: banter, innuendo, etc.

At that point, here's what will happen:

People on the left-hand side of the spectrum will gravely insist that the charges are in fact very serious. They will say that those who dismiss banter as trivial are showing insensitivity to women. They will declare: "It's about abuse of power, not about sex."

People on the right-hand side will pounce on the perceived hypocrisy and double standard. What about Bill Clinton? What about John Edwards? It's the biggest deal on earth when one of our guys makes a joke--but it's "personal and private" when your guys carry on flagrantly?

People on the right will further demand: We are supposed to watch our tongues lest any negative remark about President Obama be seized upon as "racially charged"--yet black conservatives are to be depicted as sexual predators out of Birth of a Nation and that's not racial?

Unless the accusations against Cain prove both true and objectively heinous, today's breakthrough fundraising day for Cain may augur many more - and a man unqualified for the presidency may prove brilliantly suited to a new career as ideological martyr.