Thank RINOs for Saving the Filibuster

Written by Alex Knepper on Thursday January 21, 2010

Just five years ago, conservatives were hailing the prospect of abolishing the filibuster and Bill Frist nearly did so just to approve a few judges. How the tables have turned.

How the tables have turned. Just five years ago, when chatter about a "permanent Republican majority" was still on the lips of hopeful pundits, Ann Coulter was hailing the prospect of abolishing the filibuster as the common-sense "constitutional option" -- and Bill Frist nearly exercised it in the name of passing a few judges. The evil Gang of 14, filled with evil RINOs -- John McCain, Olympia Snowe, Lindsey Graham -- did something very evil and preserved established historical rule. Most pundits identifying themselves with "the base" lambasted this decision, but prudent commentators praised them: we might be in the minority again soon, and this is a power we might want.

Well, we are in the minority again, and it is a power we want. If we'd exercised that option back then -- just a few years back, with the very same members of the Senate we're counting on now -- what could we say? "Do as I say, not as I do"? "The filibuster for me, but not for thee"?

Thank goodness for RINOs like McCain, Snowe, and Graham. We owe them a lot of thanks right now for their foresight.

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