Steele Is The Right Guy For The Job

Written by John J. Pitney on Friday January 30, 2009

Some Democratic spinners will attack the Republican National Committee for indulging in tokenism. And yes, some members may have voted for Michael Steele because he is … Catholic. But never mind what the other guys say: they would have found grounds to attack any of the choices. What matters is that Steele is the right guy for the job.

The task of an out-party chair is fundamentally different from that of an in-party chair. An in-party chair works in the shadow of the White House, faithfully serving presidential interests without having any of the prestige that attaches to a West Wing job. It’s dreary and frustrating. An out-party chair is a major spokesperson for the party, and can play a big role in launching the party’s comeback. It is no accident that the RNC’s most innovative and creative periods – the mid-1960s under Ray Bliss, the late 1970s under Bill Brock, and the early 1990s under Haley Barbour – all came when the Democrats ruled the federal government. An out-party chair can rebuild the party apparatus, provide forums for fresh thinking on policy, and work as an effective critic of the incumbent president. Steele has the talent and smarts to do all of these things.
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