Should Pelosi Thank Club for Growth?

Written by Andrew Pavelyev on Sunday November 8, 2009

Without the win in NY-23, the Dems would only have had 219 votes and only a three vote margin in last night's health bill vote. Can at least two of the other "yes" votes be attributed to the Club for Growth knocking out moderate Republicans?

When Pelosi went out of her way to have a big vote on a Saturday night, did it occur to her to think about the symbolism of passing (gradual) nationalization of health care on the anniversary of the Russian Communist Revolution (the date that for decades was celebrated with a military parade on Red Square)? Given also the betrayal of Poland to Putin on the 70th anniversary of the Soviet invasion, I can't help but wonder if the Dems plan to do something particularly nasty to Israel on Kristallnacht's anniversary this Monday...

Also, since without NY-23 the Dems would only have had 219 votes tonight and only a three vote margin, I wonder whether at least two of the other 'yes' votes can also be plausibly attributed to the Club for Growth knocking out some moderate Republicans. Would not it be supremely ironic if the very first time the Club for Growth managed to change the outcome of a major policy debate, the result was the nationalization of one-sixth of the US economy?

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