Ryan Stands by Medicare Plan

Written by FrumForum News on Wednesday May 25, 2011

The Hill reports:

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) is out Wednesday morning with a new video defending his plan to reform Medicare.

The video comes a day after Republican Jane Corwin went down to defeat to Democrat Kathy Hochul in the New York 26th District special election, largely due to the Ryan Medicare plan which was part of the budget the House passed last month.

“Washington has not been honest with you about Medicare, ” Ryan said in a video shot in the House Budget Committee room.

“The urgent need to reform Medicare and the President’s misguided approach have left us with a serious question to ask: Who should be making health-care decisions for you and your family? A government monopoly and a panel of bureaucrats in Washington DC? Or you??” he says.

He goes on to explain why he is advocating turning Medicare into a type of voucher system for those currently under 55 years old.

Category: The Feed