Report: Egypt's Military Aiding Libyan Rebels

Written by FrumForum News on Wednesday March 9, 2011

UPI reports:

Egypt, still grappling with a revolution that toppled President Hosni Mubarak in February, is reported to be quietly aiding rebel forces seeking to oust Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi.

This is seen as part of a drive by the transitional regime in Cairo to restore Egypt's leadership of the Arab world.

While the United States and the international community debate whether to intervene in the civil war raging in Libya to support the ragtag rebel forces holding the east of the country, Egypt apparently has sent around 100 Special Forces troops to help the insurgents.

The U.S. global security consultancy Stratfor says these troops "have played a key role in quietly providing weaponry and training to Libyan opposition forces while trying to organize a political command in the east."

Cairo has made no official comment on the report. But the transitional regime is dominated by the Egyptian military.

It is deeply concerned about a flood of refugees pouring across the desert border from Libya as well as a resurgence of Islamist militancy in eastern Libya that could reignite its own Muslim extremists.

No Arab state wants to see Libya degenerate into perpetual war and chaos, as has happened in Somalia.

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