Reid: Senate Will Pass House Spending Bill

Written by FrumForum News on Tuesday March 1, 2011

The Hill reports:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said Tuesday Senate Democrats have resigned themselves to passing the House GOP's two-week spending bill despite calling short-term funding measures “a terrible way to govern.”

Reid said that Senate Democrats had made multiple suggestions to Republicans on a different way to proceed — they had proposed a 30-day measure — but that the GOP had rejected them.

“We had made a number of suggestions to the Republicans that it would be better to have a longer period of time to fund the government,” he said.

“We’ll pass this and then we will look at funding on a long-term basis. The president is going to get involved in this,” Reid said, referring to the House bill, containing $4 billion in cuts, that is expected to pass the lower chamber Tuesday afternoon.

He called many of the House cuts proposed in the longer continuing resolution “wrong headed" and praised a new report by the Government Accountability Office that identified $34 billion in wasteful and duplicative federal programs, saying that could be a place to start cutting.

But Reid added, “The sooner we get this short-term funding of the government done, the quicker we can move to a long-term CR. That is where we are headed."

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