Read Bruce Bartlett's New Column
Bruce Bartlett has announced that he will now be blogging about economic topics at the Fiscal Times. He hopes to cover economic reports and topics that other bloggers may be missing:
Today marks my first appearance as a columnist in The Fiscal Times, and beginning Monday I will begin producing a new blog that I hope will improve the quality of discussion and debate on topical economic and fiscal issues. Every business day I plan to post an annotated list of recommended readings, some generated that day and others that may have appeared in the recent or even distant past.Of course, many bloggers produce lists of articles and blog posts that came to their attention during the course of a day. Often, they simply represent what’s known as a “tab dump”—things that looked like they might have been worth blogging about but didn’t make the cut.
What I plan to do is different in several ways. First, I am going to make an effort to get off the beaten path and find studies, reports and articles outside the usual places that many bloggers tend to cite and comment on -- the same articles appearing in the same mainstream news sources that don’t have pay walls—often the Washington Post and New York Times (for now)—or breaking news from various wire services.
There’s nothing wrong with commenting on hot news. But as a consequence, one often reads pretty much the same analysis of the same news on every news site and blog. They all seem to take the view that they are the sole source of a reader’s news and feel compelled to cover the waterfront.
Click here to read more.