Petraeus Hands Over Afghan Command

Written by FrumForum News on Monday July 18, 2011

The Associated Press reports:

Gen. David Petraeus handed over command of American and coalition forces to Gen. John Allen on Monday, ending a year that saw the costly counterinsurgency strategy he espoused and implemented coming under increasingly heavy criticism.

Petraues steps down at a time when the international forces he commanded have begun transferring responsibility for the 10-year war to the Afghans and the United States has started withdrawing nearly one third of its 100,000 troops in the country. Violence has also spiked, with insurgents carrying out attacks against high-profile Afghans, including the assassination last week of President Hamid Karzai's powerful half brother and the slaying of a close Karzai aid on Sunday.

As Petraeus departs, it is unclear whether his signature counterinsurgency strategy — with an emphasis on protecting the local population and decisive strikes against insurgents — has made Afghanistan any safer. Violent attacks have continued, though international military officials argue they are not as widespread or as intense as they would have been otherwise.

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