Perry Sizes Up Roadblocks To Bid

Written by FrumForum News on Monday June 20, 2011

The Wall Street Journal reports:

Aides to Texas Gov. Rick Perry said they are scrambling to determine the logistical challenges he would face in making a late entry to the fight for the Republican presidential nomination, the latest sign he is serious about joining the contest.

Among their considerations is whether Mr. Perry has enough time to raise sufficient cash, which generally requires personal contact with donors and fund-raisers. Aides also have made inquiries in Iowa to assess his chances there in the first-in-the-nation caucuses.

The actions show that Mr. Perry has moved beyond thinking about joining the contest to determining whether he can build a winning campaign.

Mr. Perry, 61, would bring to the race an unusual blend of populism and establishment conservatism, marked by a combative stance against a range of Obama administration policies.

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