Pakistan Frees A.q. Khan

Written by Michael Anton on Saturday February 7, 2009

This is a gigantic disaster:

Emblematic of what I am worried about. What can we do about this? Well, for starters, how about we send a démarche to Islamabad that says, "Congratulations, chappies, you just elevated yourselves to the top of our targeting list in the event of a terrorist nuclear attack on the US. Was this little publicity stunt worth the risk?"

You know, one of the ways we convinced the former SSRs to give up their nukes was to give their generals a tour of STRATCOM. Our generals calmly explained the implications of being on the US nuclear forces target list. Intransigent opposition melted away pretty fast.

That was only 15 years ago. 15 years later -- and post 9/11 -- we are so muddle headed we can't even have an internal conversation about these things, much less muster the fortitude to actually deter a potential enemy.

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