On Oprah's Couch

Written by Crystal Wright on Tuesday November 17, 2009

During her interview with Oprah Winfrey, Sarah Palin tried to come across as a “perky, folksy” working mom and blamed McCain campaign staffers for her shortcomings as a candidate.

During her interview with Oprah Winfrey, Sarah Palin tried to come across as a “perky, folksy” working mom. She blamed McCain campaign staffers for her shortcomings and inadequacies as McCain’s VP pick. Palin argued that they wouldn’t let her be herself, wanted to make over her family or refused to allow her to give a concession speech along with McCain.

In defending the “bad” interview with Katie Couric, Palin told Oprah she thought the interview was going to be “light-hearted and fun, moms talking to moms.” Palin said she took offense at Couric asking her what publications she read because it implied she was “some kind of Neanderthal” living out there in Alaska. Palin expressed equal disgust with Couric asking her twelve times about her position on abortion. These though are basic questions any journalist would ask a vice-presidential or presidential candidate. Reflecting back on the Couric interview, she said laughingly to Oprah, “I don’t blame people for thinking I wasn’t qualified after seeing that interview.”

When Oprah asked her if she was shocked to receive the phone call from Senator John McCain about being his running mate, she said she “didn’t blink or question her ability.” Oprah later told Palin when she watched McCain announce her as his running mate, Oprah said “I was like wow, who is she?” Palin told Oprah she wasn’t to blame for McCain losing the 2008 presidential campaign. "I think the reason that we lost, the economy tanked under a Republican administration. People were sincerely looking for change," she says. "I think, unfortunately, our ticket represented what was perceived as status quo. And so I don't think that I was to blame for losing the race any more than I could be credited with winning the race had I done a better job as the VP candidate."

At the end of her interview, Palin told Oprah she’s not “retreating, she’s re-loading.” For what role specifically, Palin wouldn’t say but Oprah asked if she was going to get her own talk show. Seems like the natural role for her because while she claimed to Oprah she’s “really not into the drama,” it follows her everywhere andwould be great for ratings if not for politics.

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