NY: Give 9/11 Victims Bin Laden Bounty
Two New York congressmen want to see the federal government’s reward money for Osama bin Laden’s capture go to groups that support first responders, survivors and family members of those killed in the Sept. 11 attacks.
At a press conference Sunday at the World Trade Center site in lower Manhattan, Democratic Reps. Anthony Weiner and Jerry Nadler, whose district includes Ground Zero, introduced a bill that would direct up to $50 million intended to be a bounty for bin Laden to groups that have helped those affected move on with their lives.
Since bin Laden’s capture appears to be the product of official intelligence efforts, reports have suggested that the reward may not be paid out.
“If the bounty isn’t paid, Osama bin Laden’s victims should get it,” Weiner said.
Instead, Weiner said, “families and groups who helped deal with survivors of 9/11” should “benefit.” Nadler added that the money “was allocated for 9/11 victims in effect, and this is simply, saying use it more effectively for the purpose that it was set up in the first place.”