NY Constituents Back Weiner

Written by Frum Forum Editors on Friday June 10, 2011

Talking Points Memo reports:

While lawmakers from Rep. Anthony Weiner's (D-NY) own party have now begun to call for his resignation, a Marist poll released Thursday night finds that his constituents think he should stay.

In the poll, 56% of registered voters in Weiner's NY-9 district think he should remain in office, while only a third (33%) think he should resign. That result comes as further salacious details about the Twitter scandal have come to light.

However, voters are as yet undecided on whether they'll support Weiner when he's up for reeleciton in 2012. thirty percent of respondents said they'd definitely vote for him next year, compared to 31% who said they would definitely not. A 38% plurality said it was too early to say for sure who they'll vote for in the next election cycle.

It's the first poll to survey voters solely in Weiner's home district, and the first conducted several days out from Weiner's Monday press conference when he first admitted to sending lewd photos and flirting with multiple women on the Internet.

Category: The Feed