Noonan: Enigma Of Jon Huntsman

Written by FrumForum News on Saturday June 25, 2011

Peggy Noonan writes in The Wall Street Journal:

What part of the GOP base would be Mr. Huntsman's natural constituency? Here political professionals scratch their heads.

Maybe he's going for moderate conservatives and Republicans who have Romney Reluctance, who just can't get to Mitt-land, or not yet. Maybe he's trying to take the vote of conservatives who think deep down Romney doesn't have a deep down. He's saying, "I'm like Romney but I have deep beliefs and a particular expertise: I won two terms as a governor, not one, and was a major ambassador. I'm cool, and my hair is just as presidential."

Mr. Huntsman's call, in his announcement speech, for more civility, was both appropriate and shrewd. Appropriate because there's nothing wrong with adding a bit of grace to the political moment. There's too much hate out there and too many people making a living peddling resentment. Shrewd because it pre-emptively forgives, or retroactively explains, his past friendliness to and support of Mr. Obama. He can flick off criticisms with a sad shake of the head: "That's the kind of thing I was talking about when I asked for a higher tone."

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