Nicholls: Guess Who Called Canada's Election?

Written by FrumForum News on Tuesday May 3, 2011

Gerry Nicholls blogs:

We need to analyze last night's election results and what they mean for Canada.

But first, I must do something far more important: gloat.

So here we go.

Now let's see, I was one of the first people in Canada to predict a spring election.

I also predicted a Conservative majority victory way back in February!!

Also, back in January I was the first voice to raise the prospect of Canada evolving into a two party country.

Let's see, oh yes, I also predicted the downfall of the Liberal  Political Empire.

Plus, I foresaw the Liberal strategy of hitting the Conservatives on ethics was a dead end.

But I am not perfect.

Had some misses along the way.

For one thing, the Liberal meltdown was even more severe than I anticipated. By the way, the Liberal Party is finished. It will never recover.

Was also taken off guard by the sudden and dramatic surge in NDP support and the concurrent demise of the Bloc.

Finally, I confidently predicted Green Party lader Elizabeth May would lose. Was dead wrong about that.

Guess God doesn't want me to get arrogant.

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