Newt Gets Religion

Written by FF Washington Insider on Wednesday December 1, 2010

Has Gingrich turned into Alan Keyes? On Wednesday, he claimed the mention of God in the Declaration of Independence as the source of "American exceptionalism."

Newt Gingrich has turned into Alan Keyes.  This afternoon, the former House speaker gave a speech to the American Legislative Exchange Council. In his remarks, he said that the courts should be required to read and interpret the entire Constitution only in light of the Declaration of Independence.  Newt added that the invocation of God in the Declaration was the source of "American exceptionalism."  He also argued that the top conservative legislative priorities should be (1) restoring school prayer and (2) creating an office in each state devoted to stopping the federal government from doing stupid things.

Newt’s always been a backer of school prayer, but I didn't think he would go this far.

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