Newt Aide Starts Fight with WSJ
Newt Gingrich spokesman Rick Tyler has gotten tired of reading Wall Street Journal editorials trashing his boss. So he’s taken to Twitter to start putting out his own opinions — about the Journal’s editorial board.
Responding to a piece Wednesday morning lavishing praise on Tim Pawlenty’s economic plan, asking “What do his competitors have to offer?” Tyler tweeted that the paper should “scold intern who wrote editorial this a.m.”
The paper should know better about what Pawlenty’s competitors have to offer, Tyler said in an interview — the day after Gingrich officially launched his campaign, Gingrich presented his jobs plan at Laffer Associates’ annual Washington conference, and “Stephen Moore was in the audience. Stephen Moore sits on the editorial board.”
“Apparently, according to the Journal, its editorial board neither looked at nor has seen Gingrich’s jobs and prosperity plan, even though one of its members was present when he revealed it,” Tyler told POLITICO. “It’s posted on our website and it’s been distributed to hundreds if not thousands of political reporters.”
Gingrich’s nine-point plan calls for eliminating the capital gains and death taxes, no new taxes, cutting the corporate income tax to 12.5 percent and allowing for full expensing of new manufacturing equipment to spur innovation. Gingrich called for moving to an optional flat tax of 15 percent and rolling back financial regulations, such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Dodd-Frank Law. Specifics also include replacing the Environmental Protection Agency, removing obstacles to domestic energy development and modernizing the Food and Drug Administration.