Maryland's Busted Budget
Baltimore’s deficit and Montgomery County’s school budget crisis are only the tip of the iceberg for Maryland’s leading gubernatorial contenders, both of whom have promised voters they can balance the state's budget.
Maryland is suffering along with the rest of the nation as the state attempts to balance budgets and minimize deficits in the midst of politicians’ pledges to stimulate jobs and better public education… but at what cost?
Despite last Friday’s news that the state would receive an additional $237 million in federal security funds in order to secure Maryland schools and jobs, citizens continue to see tax increases and budget cuts targeting everything from city police departments to county school districts.
While the Baltimore city council resolved to offset the city’s $121 million shortfall by approving a $20 million tax increase and avoiding cutbacks in the city fire and police departments, Montgomery County’s school district sought an alternate route: budget cuts totaling $160 million.
According to Dana Tofig, the district’s public information director, 450 total positions will be cut from the district’s central education offices and classrooms in order to counter the lack of sufficient funding. Tofig explained that “250 of these 450 will be teaching positions, which will be eliminated solely because of class sizes,” which have significantly increased this year as 2,800 more students enter Montgomery County schools.
Baltimore city’s deficit and Montgomery County’s school budget crisis are only the tip of the iceberg for Maryland’s leading gubernatorial contenders, Robert Ehrlich (R) and incumbent Martin O’Malley (D), both of whom profess Maryland jobs and education to be top priorities.