Mark Levin Attacks O'Reilly
Radio personality Mark Levin has turned on Bill O'Reilly for not being entirely opposed to how Obama has handled the BP oil leak. He also attacked O'Reilly for pointing out that BP proposed the escrow fund in the first place. David Weigel reports:
Twice last week, Bill O'Reilly booked conservative Republican stars on his show -- Sarah Palin and Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) -- and came at them from the unexpected stance of defending President Obama. With Palin, he defended Obama's handling of the BP spill. With Bachmann, he disagreed with her criticism of how the BP escrow fund was set-up.
All of that sparked an outraged rant from radio host Mark Levin, which the Right Scoop has captured and put online. In it, Levin makes the case that a lot of conservatives who don't have to worry about re-election are making -- that, yes, the president "shook down" BP, and that O'Reilly is a "phony, populist idiot" for thinking otherwise.
"Let me explain something to you, Mr. Cable TV!" says Levin, not using O'Reilly's name. "British Petroleum was in the back pocket of the Democrat Party! It gave Obama a million dollars. It backs cap and trade!" And he defends Rep. Joe Barton for "speaking the truth."
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