Mark Halperin Weighs GOP Odds

Written by FrumForum News on Thursday May 26, 2011

Mark Halperin writes:

With Mitch Daniels, Mike Huckabee and Donald Trump out of the running, the Republicans now have a clear Big Three. As of now, one of the former governors—Romney, Huntsman or Pawlenty—will almost certainly be the party’s presidential nominee. But they all face questions and hazards and will have a tough time pulling away from the pack anytime soon.

Mitt Romney
Every day he stays in the lead and quietly banks more big money is a day closer to the nomination. But: his health care speech showed just how perilous the issue remains for him among angry conservatives, with the unforgiving media eager to replay his Massachusetts record.
What he needs now
For the party’s elders and donors to see his train leaving the station and to get on board.
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