Marine War Dog Hero Dies

Written by Sean Linnane on Sunday August 30, 2009

MWD Flapoor was one of our great military working dogs who was on the front lines with our Marines during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Flapoor did two tours of Iraq, and was awarded the Purple Heart after he was wounded in a suicide bombing. His handler, Marine LCpl Brown, made this tribute video so we can all remember one of our beloved K9 heroes.

A Marine Corps military working dog recently passed away; please review this touching tribute to a true canine hero:

MWD Flapoor was one of our great military working dogs who was on the front lines with our Marines during Operation Iraqi Freedom. His handler, Marine LCpl Brown, made this tribute video so we can all remember one of our beloved K9 heroes.

MWD Flapoor did two tours in Iraq. During his first tour, in 2005-2006, MWD Flapoor and his handler at the time, Cpl Poelart, were providing security at an Iraqi police recruitment center in Ar Ramadi when a suicide bomber blew himself up outside the building. The bomb killed dozens of Iraqis wanting to become police and wounded dozens more.

The bomb set a precedent in that the first military working dog handler, Sgt Adam Cann, was killed in action during Operation Iraqi Freedom. MWD Flapoor and his handler were both wounded and awarded the Purple Heart. Cpl Poelart was eventually honorably discharged while MWD Flapoor recovered from his wounds and went back for a second successful tour in Iraq. Thank you for making this tribute LCpl Brown so we can all remember this amazing dog for his sacrifice and service to our country.

Originally posted at Stormbringer.