Kentucky Called For Rand Paul
CNN writes:
-- A midterm election that cost more than any other in history headed to completion Tuesday with voters overwhelmingly concerned about the economy expected to give Republicans major gains in Congress and governors' offices.
Early returns showed Republican running strongly, with Rand Paul projected by CNN to win his Senate race in Kentucky and another conservative, Dan Coats, projected to win the Senate race in Indiana.
Paul, the son of Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, had the backing of the conservative Tea Party movement. His projected victory to claim the seat held by retiring Republican Sen. Jim Bunning showed the impact of the movement that emerged in 2009 in opposition to expanded government and the growing federal deficit.
Coats will take over the seat held by retiring Democratic Sen. Evan Bayh, giving Republicans their first pick-up of the night.
Heated campaigning continued to the last minute on Tuesday, with President Barack Obama and former President Bill Clinton exhorting Democrats and independents to hold off a Republican surge while GOP candidates promised to change how Washington operates.