Journos 1, Obama 0

Written by FF Washington Insider on Monday March 23, 2009

We wrote earlier about the likely effect that President Obama's decision not to attend the annual Gridiron Dinner (becoming the first President to skip it in his first year of office since Grover Cleveland) would have on the press' relationship with the President. In a word, we were right.

Here are the money quotes from today's Post coverage of the event:

By 9:30, [Governor] Schwarzenegger is at the podium, resurrecting the crowd with his speech. "You did such lovely work for [Obama]," he tells the media elite. "You put your lives on hold to put him in the White House. Now you get all dressed up, the champagne's on ice, and you find out that he's just not that into you."

Zing! The crowd roars.

* * *

It's always about him, isn't it? News flash from the Gridiron dinner: Honeymoon's over, Mr. President. Get your zings ready for next year. You'll need them.

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