I Come Not to Bury Obama But to Praise Him
“Vene, Vidi, Mori” Forgive the mangled Latin in both tense and person. Hilary Clinton’s delighted expression yesterday that “We came, We saw, He died,” echoing Caesar, delighted me. It is time for conservatives and Republicans to follow Pete Wehner at Commentary and begin praising Nobel Peace Prize recipient Barack Hussein Obama for his willingness to kill this country’s enemies wherever he finds them without asking permission.
The current Republican candidates and congressional leaders are not being gracious in their praise of President Obama’s coup of having Muammar Gaddafi killed by his subjects. This is short sighted. Barack Obama is a war president.
In Afghanistan and Pakistan he has used predator drones and CIA directed battle teams, as well as, famously, Navy Seals to kill Osama Bin Laden and then his successors. He killed an American traitor by drone without a trial. Barack Obama has committed acts of war inside Pakistan and Yemen-neither country we are at war with. He has sent special forces to Libya and to Central Africa without so much as a by-your-leave from either Congress or the U.N. Muammar Gadaffi (any spelling works!) and the Lords Resistance Army are bad types but they were not particularly being bad to the U.S. at the time.
The Republican Party is the party of robust military responses to threats against National Security. It is also the party of using American power to support our values abroad. When Obama does this without a peep from the Left it is incumbent on the Republicans to both highlight and praise him for it. President Obama’s attacks on Al Queda and aid in killing Quadafi (see they all work!) as well as his willingness to simply ignore the U.N. as in anyway necessary to validate American action is a gift to America and to the Republican party. The only people against it are his own supporters and Ron Paul-but even Paul doesn’t care about the U.N.
The American people support the President on most of these actions. In that sense it will help him. But by ignoring his successes the Republicans look hypocritical and petty. They are also short sighted. The Leftist view of military action is being dismantled in spectacular fashion in plain view by the most Leftist President we have ever had. Guantanamo is open with foreign combatants detained in it. Point it out everyday and praise Obama. American arms kill enemies wherever they can be found without a single request to the U.N. Point it out every day and praise Obama. Americans who join our enemies are simply killed when found abroad. Point it out every day and praise Obama.
This has many wonderful effects. It is an example of bipartisanship for all of those Americans who despair for the national tone of debate. It shows the world American speaks as one in foreign wars. It has, as Kissinger would say, “the additional advantage of being true.” Finally, and most deliciously it separates Obama and the Democrats from their base. You think the occupy wherever crowd wants to hit our enemies with drones?
In the next election turnout and enthusiasm will matter. Obama’s only hope is to gin up massive turnout of his base and pound the Republican nominee as unacceptable, or “frontlash” us. When the Republican nominee asserts that he will not check with the U.N. when launching military strikes in the U.S. interest, what can Obama say? Best of all if the multilateral types ever protest a Republican president again we can highlight their hypocrisy.
The silent streets as Obama killed thousands abroad without sanction of Congress or the U.N. will shame them if not in their eyes, then those of independents. It’s a fourfer and the Republicans are missing a bet by not damning Obama with great praise.