Huntsman Would Skip Iowa Caucuses

Written by FrumForum News on Sunday June 5, 2011

ABC News reports:

Jon Huntsman has kicked off his three-day, eleven-stop tour of New Hampshire this weekend to appeal to voters in the state holding the nation’s first primary.

Voters in Iowa, on the other hand, will not be awarded the same face time.

“I'm not competing in Iowa for a reason. I don't believe in subsidies that prop up corn, soybeans and ethanol,"Huntsman said, according to multiple news sources at the event.

Huntsman, the former ambassador to China, continued, "I think they destroy the global marketplace…. We probably won't be spending a whole lot of time in Iowa. I guess I understand how the politics work there."

Huntsman’s decision to avoid the Hawkeye state stands in direct contrast with presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty, who is also decisively anti-ethanol. Pawlenty is logging countless hours in Iowa, petitioning voters one-by-one to support his campaign.

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