Heritage: Default is Better then Compromise

Written by David Frum on Thursday July 21, 2011

Ed Feulner in an unusual signed personal statement today urges Republicans to force the country into default unless President Obama yields on the outermost conservative demands. In the process, he equates President Obama and the Democrats to the Japanese militarists who bombed Pearl Harbor. I suppose that's a step up from calling them Nazis.

Feulner's statement may be reckless and irresponsible, but it is also important and revealing. It truly marks a milestone in this budget debate. If worse comes to worst, and the country does default, comments like Feulner's may inspire another historical analogy. To revise a famous American document:

"Both parties deprecated default, but one of them would force default rather than yield on any of its demands, and the other would accept default rather than yield on all of them."